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Friendly Faces


Our friendly faces work with Miss Worrall and Mrs Pemberton to support work around anti-bullying. Friendly faces were elected by their classes to represent pupils' views about making the school a more harmonious place; to give feedback on the work being done on anti-bullying to their class; and to act as 'friendly faces' around school, utilising training to help any child who is worried or upset.

Our children wear eye-catching hoodies, so other pupils can spot them around school if they need help.. By wearing these hoodies, we hope that other children will feel comfortable approaching us with any questions or concerns that they have about school or bullying.



Our Friendly Faces met each other in a meeting and began discussing why they're appropriate candidates for this year and how they can help support the rest of our Medway Family at breaktimes and lunch times. 

Friendly Face Training

All of our new Friendly Face team have annual training with Mrs Pemberton. She introduces the steps our new team must take when trying to help children overcome any issues on the playground. We are then ready to fully fulfil their role and make sure that the Medway playground is a happy place to be!

Safety at Medway

We regularly update Miss Worrall on the behaviour and happiness that we have seen over the last few months on the playground. We report our concerns and how we have been helping to deal with any issues.

We also discuss what it means to be 'safe' and how schools try to keep us safe when we are here. We report our ideas for how the school can make sure that all pupils feel happy and safe when they are here, regardless of any behavioural incidents that may take place.

Antibullying Week

We meet up alongside the School Council prior to the event to discuss Antibullying week! We explore various ways that we can raise awareness for anti-bullying week and different activities we can do with our teachers in the classroom. As a group, we discuss how we can overcome bullying and who we can approach at breaktimes and lunchtimes to report any concerns.