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Our Staff

The staff here like to say Medway is in our DNA. I for one, am the son of a former Medway headteacher and Ms Miah,  one of the school's deputy head, used to come to this school. I believe this gives us unique insights into how this school has become, over the many years it has stood, a bright beaming beacon of hope, compassion and success.

We are a mixed-gender local authority primary school catering for children aged 3-11.  Our school is located within the 'Highfields' community of Leicester. Pupils come from a wide variety of religious and cultural backgrounds which we value and celebrate throughout the year and through our curriculum. We are all an equal part of the Medway Primary School Community and we believe that experiencing and embracing the diversity of our school community is culturally enriching for our students.

"Together we will succeed” is our school vision.  This means that we work together to make sure our pupils succeed to the highest standards across the curriculum, develop a positive attitude to learning and behave well.  We give our pupils the values, knowledge and skills that they will need to be successful in their education and to contribute constructively within society.  This is achieved through partnerships involving pupils, parents, teachers, support staff and the wider community.

Medway is very proud of the high standards they set for the children and the collaborative way in which all our staff work and support each other.

These are our wonderful staff and their roles.


Senior Leadership

Mr S Williams- Head teacher

Mrs Miah- Deputy Head

Mrs Niner- Deputy Head/SENDCO and Welfare Lead

Ms Elton- Assistant head

Teachers and Teaching Assistants


Ms Cullen

Ms Pole

Miss Patel

Mrs Edmunds

Mrs Patel 

Foundation Stage 2

Miss Shelton - Class teacher (Moonshine)

Miss Ismail and Mrs Akinwolere - Class teacher (Sunshine)

Mrs Nathwani

Mrs Khatri

Mrs Patel 

Year 1

Mrs Cummings- Class teacher (Avon 1)

Mr Ahmed - Class teacher (Mere 1)

Mrs Jetha

Miss Chhatbar

Miss Condron

Year 2

Ms Elton- Class teacher/Assistant head (Chandos 2)

Mrs Berriman- Class teacher (Evington 2)

Mrs Sheikh

Miss Robinson

Year 3

Miss Hassan  - Class teacher (Cork 3)

Mrs Marshall - Class teacher (Lonsdale 3)

Mrs Khanam

Mrs Shaikh

Year 4

Mrs Master - Class teachers (Connaught 4)

Mrs Fletcher- Class teacher (Laurel 4)

Year 5

Mr Pemberton- Class teacher (Bartholomew 5)

Miss Worrall- Class teacher (Biddulph 5)

Mrs Blakemore - Class teach (Melbourne 5)

Mrs Bali

Mrs Mohammed

Year 6

Mr Serrano - Class teacher (Guilford 6)

Miss Kaur- Class teacher (Churchill 6)

Miss Waka

SEN Staff

Mrs Niner- SENDCO /Deputy head

Miss Abdiaziz

Mrs Ayub


Mrs Gohil


Mr Ahmed


CFW Team

Mrs Pemberton

Mr Atkinson

Miss Alhaddad

Admin Team

Ms Ghazi- Finance Officer

Miss Alhaddad- Admin/Attendance & Welfare

Mrs Khalifa - Admin Officer

Premises Staff

Mrs Thorpe- Site Manager

Mr Skeets- Premises officer

Mrs Smart- Premises officer

Mrs Chunara

Ms Sidyot

Mrs Khalifa

Mrs Faquirmamodo

Mr Abdurashid

Ms Ahuka

Lunchtime Staff

Mrs Pemberton

Mr Atkinson

Ms Peyre

Mrs Talukdar

Ms Patel

Mrs Khatri

Mrs Patel

Mrs Ahmed

Ms Rahman

Mrs Dawre

Mrs Begum

Mrs Chowdhury

Mrs Degia

Mrs Sattar

Mrs Daud

Mrs Miah