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Awards and Rewards

 The school rewards good behaviour as it believes that this will develop an ethos of respect, kindness and cooperation. 

Cultural passport reward system
In each academic year, children can achieve three Cultural Passport Badges: bronze, silver and gold. To be awarded a bronze badge each child must receive a total of 100 points, 200 points for silver and 300 points for gold.  In the main, points are awarded by staff, but children can also recommend that points are awarded to their peers and identify their own successes. The school acknowledges all the efforts and achievements of children, both in and out of school. Once a badge is achieved, it will be sewn onto their school jumper by the child and a supporting adult.

Other rewards
•    Text messaging: If a child has done particularly well in a subject area or other aspect of school life, parents receive a text message to their mobile phones.  For management purposes as well as to show how special this is, texts are limited to two messages per class per week.

•    Verbal and written messages: Teachers meet informally with parents/carers or send a note to tell them about their child’s academic and personal achievements before or after school.

•    Lunchtime stickers: If children are particularly well-behaved, for example, use their manners at the lunch table or help organise games, lunchtime supervisors give children stickers.  

•    Class rewards: Teachers may agree an additional rewards system with their class. This helps children develop a sense of democratic participation.  Children can be awarded stars, stickers or points to celebrate positive learning behaviour and academic attainment.  The whole class can be rewarded with Golden Time – a session when the class chooses their own activity.

•    Individual rewards: It can be helpful for an individual pupil to be set behavioural goals or targets. There are a variety of circumstances or reasons why a pupil may struggle with his/her behaviour at a point or period in his/her school life; individuals may or may not have special educational needs (see Special Educational Needs Policy).  An individual pupil’s additional needs will be discussed with his/her parents, as appropriate.

•    Privileges/Roles of Responsibility: Our children recognise that ambassadors to represent the class or school should be well behaved. Individuals are democratically selected to undertake roles of responsibility, including: class monitors, school council members, lead learners, prefects and head boy/girl.  In examining the merits of each potential candidate, their behaviour is always a key consideration. 

Attendance Rewards

Students who attend school 100% of the time in a week will receive a raffle ticket. At the end of each term, there will be an Attendance Celebration assembly where raffle tickets will be given to students across the school. These tickets will be drawn from a tombola at the end of the term. 

Some of the prizes from the raffle draw include:

  • KS1
    • Stationary
    • Stickers
    • Books
    • Tablets
  • KS2
    • Tickets to a theme park
    • Books
    • Amazon Fire Tablets
    • Laptops
    • Cultural prizes, including tickets to a local museum

Class based

Every week, the class with the best attendance is awarded a trophy. Additionally, there is a termly reward for the class with the most consistent attendance, such as:

  • Pizza time
  • A fun outdoor activity
  • A trip to the cinema
  • Free time in the classroom
  • Movie time in the classroom