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Religious Education (R.E.)


Medway's RE Vision

“True wisdom comes to each of us when we realise how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us” (Socrates)

Medway Community Primary School’s RE curriculum has been designed to provoke challenging questions about meaning and purpose in life, beliefs about god, ultimate reality issues of right and wrong and what it means to be human. We aim to provide opportunities for children to challenge and question their own presumptions about religions and world views in local, national and global contexts, which will enable our children to explore their ideas, values and identities.

Our approach to RE aims to enable all pupils to appreciate and investigate key religious and non-religious traditions using religious enquiry. We inspire the children of Medway, to leave the classroom equipped with the tools to contribute meaningfully to society, both within and beyond their communities. Pupils gain and deploy the skills needed to interpret, understand and evaluate sacred texts, sources of wisdom and evidence. They learn how to articulate their own personal beliefs, values and experiences whilst respecting the beliefs of others.


*Parents/carers have the right to choose whether to withdraw their child from all or parts of RE without influence from the school, after careful consideration of the educational objectives and content of the RE syllabus.*