L o a d i n g
Children hear more modelled English than traditional in primary school. As the children develop oracy and collaborate more, they learn quicker, and, when they leave, do very well.
Governors have made sure that there are staff who can go the extra mile when a family needs help. Parents and carers are very positive about the school. Typically, they make comments such as: ‘I just wish all schools could be like Medway; my child really feels part of the Medway family.’
Pupils are immensely proud of their school. They confidently explain the core values of ‘belonging, knowledge, trust and equality’. They talk about how they live these values every day. They show respect for each other and celebrate everyone’s differences.
Books such as Great Expectations, The Iliad and the Epic of Gilgamesh promote great literature and the school highlights excellent art and poetry on the wall.